
Giving Moxibustion a try

Moxibustion - such a funny word to say!

The initial acupuncturist said she only does this during 32 - 34 weeks to flip the baby. I was just going to try the tilt positions until Monday, but my MW called to make sure I got the appointment and I told her I couldn't get in. She didn't think it was too late, so she gave me more references to call. I got an appointment for 10am today with another one. She said it might be too late, but it wouldn't hurt to try. She said it if were caught earlier there is a 78 - 92% chance it would work. So, lets just hope Miss Natalie is petite and can still do acrobatics!

She explained the best method would be to bring a family member with me. She'll train them how to do it so it can be done 2-3 times a day. Luckily David already had the day off work, so he gets to be the trainee.

I tried the Breech Tilt last night - propped up with pillows and my feet on the couch. Did this 2xs for 30 min last night. Didn't really seem to do anything. We also tried the flashlight, but she seemed indifferent to it. She would kind of shudder when I pointed it at her, but that was it.

I saw another recommendation online last night - put a cold pack up by her head and she might move to get warmer. Didn't try that one, but might tonight.

We're leaning towards not doing the manual version. Not sure we want to risk bringing on labor just because she is in the wrong position. We'd rather have a full term baby, even if it means she'll arrive via c-section. Different things online say that babies do flip, even at the last minute, but it just might not be physically possible. Hopefully one of these other remedies will work here shortly! (and then we hope she stays put!)


Tania said...

Keep at it and hopefully something will do the trick! And as you say, hopefully if she does stay put if she does flip!!!
