
Making cake

I got this sweet picture from the babysitter today. She and her friends were making cake and playing house. Too cute!

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Baby #2 update

Since time is sparse in the evenings, a lunch-time update is needed!

Went for a quick check-up yesterday, pretty uneventful which is always a good thing.

Some stats for yesterday:
Blood Pressure: 126-64, higher than usual, but still in the normal range
Baby Heart Beat: 142-156 (she was moving around a bit)
Measuring: 21.5cm, right on track

So far my weight gain has been much more manageable than last time! Pretty happy about that. I'm up about 12.5lbs total. Hoping to keep things in control for the remainder.

I started feeling the baby kicking last week (right around 20.5 weeks). The ultrasound showed the placenta is on top (anterior), so that's likely why I hadn't been feeling anything yet, but she's in full swing now. I keep trying to get a glimpse from the outside, but I swear when I look, she stops!

The bad sleeping has arrived. It's so hard to get comfortable! It seems far too early for this! For the most part I'm a side sleeper anyway, but sometimes I just want to lay on my back and it feels like a bowling ball laying on my stomach! The bad part is I know it will probably only get worse.

And just a little complaint about morning sickness..I'm still waiting for it to go away. I was spared the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, but ever since then, it's been pretty consistent. Very annoying and ready to be done with that part!


Our Entertainer

Natalie is feeling better from a cold that she has had since going to the hockey game a couple of weeks ago. She is keeping us entertained with new things that she is learning.

When you ask her if she wants something or if her food is good, she nods her head yes and says, "Yeah, yeah." We haven't gotten it on video yet, but we will try to get it over the next couple days and will post.

She loves hearing music. Sometimes she hears a commercial on TV that has music and she starts moving her sholders. When she seems to be a really good mood, we turn on the music and let her dance. Here is a short video from tonight's dance number.

Here is another video of two another two things she has fun doing. She pretends to jump. Notice how she gets on her toes. Tonight she started spinning in circles almost to the point of making herself dizzy. Here is a short video of both.


It's A ...

Results are in!

Intelligender Test: Wrong
Chinese Gender Predictor: Wrong
iPhone Boy / Girl app: Wrong
Mamma's (initial) intuition: Wrong

We had our ultrasound this morning. Baby looks healthy! We are so excited, we are having another


I'm sure I would have been shocked either way, but I'm so surprised at how different this pregnancy is from the first. Everything about it is different: morning sickness, weight gain, cravings, etc. Guess my body was just more accustomed to all of the crazy hormones, or maybe I already paid (most of) my dues the first time around!

We are so excited for Natalie to have a little sister. I think they will have a lot of fun together. I was a little nervous about having to learn all things "boy", but I'm sure my two girls will give me enough tests as it is. Also very excited that we have everything we need for a little baby girl; especially the clothes! I'm happy to be able to get more use out of them.

Next on the list is finding her a name!


Hockey fun!

This past weekend we took Natalie to her first hockey game! David was able to get 4 seats from a vendor at work, so we took Grandma & Grandpa Remillard and went to LA for the day.

It went better than I expected. I feared Natalie would be a nightmare because I knew she wouldn't nap much, if at all, seeing as how game time and naptime were both scheduled for 1pm. She rested on the car ride down, but only a few minutes here and there. Once the game started, there was certainly no nap to be had!

We got to the Staples Center a bit early and had some lunch. Then we went down to the front to watch warm-ups. We were sitting in the front row, directly behind the camera guy.

Natalie was busy dancing and clapping her hands and having fun and the camera guy put her up on the jumbo-tron! Such a fun picture.

This was the first time we've really taken Natalie anywhere in public since she's been walking. She loved running around and kept us all on our toes!

We had great seats in the VIP level. There were a few extra seats in our row for 1/2 of the game. It was kind of nice because Natalie was able to climb the seats and walk around a little. After our row-mates showed up, it was a little more difficult, but overall a success!

The Kings lost to the Canucks 3:1. The game was a bit on the violent side, but still pretty fun!

In baby #2 news...
Tomorrow is our big baby preview! I kept forgetting about it and remembering off and on today. I'm hoping that I kind of forget about it while I'm trying to sleep tonight, or else I might not sleep! Early on I was SURE it was a Boy. Then around 14 weeks, I started getting sick, daily (ugh!). That kind of made me lean towards GIRL, but overall, I just have NO IDEA! Maybe I'll have a revealing dream tonight like I did with Natalie. And if not, we should know the answer tomorrow!
