
Potty training day 3

When I started writing this (around 4pm), I would have said Day 3 was a Fail. However, a little break, less pressure, and we are still having success!

It's Monday, so David was back at work. Daycare is closed this week, so I had both girls home and the plan was to continue the potty training.

By 9 am we had already had two accidents. She turned it around and had 3 pees in the potty, but then came "naptime". I put that in quotes, because we are supposed to nap, but Natalie rarely naps at home these days.

I put Rhys down in the crib and Natalie proceeded to run around her room getting out books, jump on her bed, climb the changing table (which we took out of her room tonight to stop her spiderman antics), stand on her head, etc. Then she woke up Rhys, and then she had 3 consecutive accidents, even with me reminding her. So frustrating.

The part that put me over the top is the next time we were standing 12 inches from the potty, I reminded her we go pee in the potty. She said "no, I don't want it" and then she peed all over the floor.

Anyone who was at her birthday party knows when she doesn't want to do something, she doesn't want to do it. Pretty sure she was just beyond tired at this point, and I was tired of cleaning the floor. So pull-up pants it was.

This gave us both a break. I didn't feel like I needed to be her shadow, and she had a little freedom to run around.

And guess what?

She told me the next 3 times she needed to potty and went without me hounding her!

So maybe she does get it.

Pretty sure we'll be doing pull-ups at nap & nighttime for now. I plan to keep her in underwear and keep working with her, but when we need to, we'll use pull-ups.

I wouldn't say she is "potty trained", but we are definitely in full-swing training mode and she is doing really well for starting from scratch and in such a short time frame. Something I read online said this 3 day method works 97% of the time, but I'm not sure of their definition for "trained", and it doesn't really say if it's just the 3 day period or if it takes longer on average.

I wanted to write this process down so I remember how tough it was when it is Rhys' turn. Keeping a two year old busy in the kitchen for 3 days is no easy task. We colored, used mess-free markers, mess-free paint, stickers, puzzles, books, Playdoh, made cookies, made "juice" (Crystal light), cleaned cabinets, played with the farm, played blocks, and watched cartoons on the 7" inch kitchen TV.

It was definitely hard, but I think it was the jumpstart that we needed.

We will keep it up and check back in next week. I hope I can report that things have only gotten better!

