
Let's talk about sleep

Last night Miss Rhys slept for nearly 12 hours! How nice of her to pick a Saturday to sleep in. We all woke up around 8.

I was kind of avoiding posting about her good sleep habits, because I thought I would jinx it. Things always go awry after I write them down!

She had been waking up twice a night - around 2 and 5. So, starting at 3 months, we moved Rhys and her cradle to the spare room. The first night was about the same, but then she started skipping the 2 am wakeup. We had a week or so where she slept from 7 or 8 at night until 5 ish, which felt pretty darn good! Then we had a few fussy nights. I've been feeling a cold come on, so I'm guessing she is getting it too.

Naptime had also been pretty consistent. She's up about 1-1.5 hrs and then takes 1-1.5hrs of a nap and we repeat throughout the day. Except Thursday she fussed off and on all day (and night) and only slept about 40min at a time.

And then last night we put her down around 8:15 and she slept right on thru! (I did feed her around 10 before I went to bed, but she didn't wake).

So let's all keep our fingers crossed this wasn't a fluke and she will keep it up!

Random thoughts:
* I wonder if we were disturbing her sleep? Maybe we should have moved her out sooner!

* it's kind of nice that she doesn't want her pacifier. She goes down without it, but I catch her using her thumb instead. Nice for us - we don't have to get up 10 x's a night to replace it - and we'll just have to deal with that habit later.

* several people have told me their kids didn't sleep thru the night until 8, 10 or even 12 months and I just keep hoping we don't get one of those. I can't imagine being a zombie that long!

* the Dr told me if Rhys isn't sleeping better before her next visit (Dec 5) that we'd have to discuss cereal & solids. I'm not ready for that, so I hope we get into a good routine soon.

* the kids are both currently napping in the SAME room at the SAME time for the first time ever! Rhys fell asleep immediately, but Natalie took some convincing. We've had an entire hour of quiet time. Amazing!

* once Rhys is a little more consistent during the night, we plan to move her into the crib and share a bedroom with Natalie. I think we are getting closer!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Patty said...
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Patty said...

Oh how I love my sleep! I guess these are things you don't think about once they're in their own room - eh, who am I kidding, Ryan is mostly sleeping in OUR bed - but he sleeps through the night and I don't miss a beat! :)

Good job on getting them to nap in the same room. Sounds like you're getting closer to them sharing a room for good!
