
Potty training day 2

Today was another long day hanging out in the kitchen, but we've made some progress, I think!

Our day started at 7:30. Natalie was definitely not dry when she woke and didn't have to potty for a while. She completely missed the first time.

But it did get better from then on. For the day, we had a complete miss, a partial miss and THREE perfect-in-the-potty pees! I'll call that 80% for the day. Which is not bad considering we were at 0% yesterday morning.

Still working on poop. She told us several times, but hasn't sat still long enough for the cheer party.

She couldn't settle down enough to take a nap today, so that made for a sensitive Natalie tonight. No fun for anyone! It's hard being cooped up in the house all day.

Hoping to see continued improvement tomorrow.

