
Rhys @ 3 months

Hard to believe this girly is 3 months old already.

Rhys is really getting strong.  She likes to hold her head up, loves to stand on our laps, and really likes to sit in our laps (with our help, of course!).   If I prop her up on an incline, she tries to pull into a sitting position.  I remember Natalie doing little situps at this point, so I'm guessing Rhys is getting close to that too.

She has found her hands lately.  She usually spits the pacifier out and sticks a finger, or two or three into her mouth.  We are still undecided if we want to get her attached to a paci or not..most days she can take or leave it, but it does calm her around nap/bedtime.

I'm off work for the next few weeks finishing up maternity leave before we get busy again at year-end, so I've been trying to work on getting Rhys into more of a routine and getting her to sleep better at night.  Naps are going far better than nighttime.  She still likes a good tight swaddle and also sleeps pretty well on her tummy (without the swaddle, of course!).  Her naps vary from 45 min - 2 hrs, although yesterday I got 3 hours out of her.  I went to wake her but she looked so peaceful that I just let her be.  I figured she was tired after a fitful morning.

Nighttime on the other hand is still not getting better.  She tends to go to bed between 7 & 8 pm.  I've tried to keep her up later, but she just gets cranky and wants to lay down.  She's still waking sometime between 1 & 2 and again around 5.  We've tried the paci, picking her up, but she just seems hungry. I feed her and she goes right back down, but that interrupted sleep is for the birds.  I could really use a few nights of good sleep!

Our other battle lately is the bottle.  Rhys has decided she doesn't want to eat from a bottle.  She took one around 6 weeks, and then had a few the few times I took her to daycare.  Although, she would only eat one bottle while away from me, when she should have had 2 or 3.  And now, as soon as we put the bottle to her face, she screams.  Won't have anything to do with it.  We've tried 3 different kinds of bottles with no luck.  I hope she figures it out soon, so that I know she will eat when I go back to work!  I know she CAN do it - I did a "dreamfeed" with the bottle last night and she took 2 oz while asleep. Too bad it didn't work to extend her nighttime sleep.

The cradle cap is almost gone, thank goodness!  But, her hair is also going!  She's starting to get the ring around her head from where she lays and if I pull out any dry scalp, along comes 5 or 6 strands too.   I find little hairs all over her car seat, her bed, and clothes.  I wonder if it will come back as dark? or maybe a little lighter?

I've been trying to get pictures of Rhys' smile, but it's darn hard to catch!  When she is happy and smiley, she is really happy & smiley.  She loves to talk and coo and smile after she eats.  So, I keep trying because her little dimple is too cute, but the camera throws her off and she gets ultra serious. 

Natalie is starting to try to play with Rhys more.  She tells her "talking" - she's asking Rhys to talk to her.  She goes up and says "good girl, Rhys" and pats her on the back, unless she is crying then she tells her "Rhys, STOP".  Natalie is always the first to hear Rhys cry when she is in the cradle or is tired of swinging and runs to "help" her.  The other day she tried to pick Rhys up.  I had laid her on the bed while I was putting away some clothes and Natalie came in and tried to "Carry her".  They don't interact too much yet, but I have a feeling Rhys is watching and will be smiling and talking to Natalie soon.

I'll save the rest of the Halloween pictures for later this weekend, but here's Rhys wearing Natalie's Halloween outfit. Natalie was 3 weeks vs. Rhys at 3 months.  It's pretty snug on Rhys, but is still cute.

Here's her surprised face:

And almost a smile:

Here's one of Natalie 2 years ago - she actually had enough hair for a barrette!

And a 3 month comparison picture:

I think the girls look really different from each other, but they certainly look like their mama! (the girls are wearing the same outfit, but it's not the one I had as a baby; just really similar.  I found the picture of me AFTER we had Natalie's 3 mo pictures taken and it just happens to be a similar pose, so I tried to get one of Rhys that is close too).

3 months stats:

Height: around 22in
Weight: about 13.75lbs
Clothes: depends on the brand. 0-3 pants, some 0-3 mo onesies, and 3-6 months
Diapers: size 2. Pampers fit well, Huggies Snugglers are small-ish, but we have an open package, so we're using them.

