
Natalie turned 2!

Last weekend, Natalie turned 2. Incredible how quickly this past year went.

We had a party at the park complete with family, friends, hot dogs, cupcakes, and Natalie's favorite: a bounce house!  The kids all had a great time, and Natalie was just a little overwhelmed by all of the activities. 

We went with a Sesame Street theme. It started as an "Elmo Party", but Elmo things were hard to find, so I expanded it a little to include the other characters too. I found a cute cupcake design online. The frosting was harder to do than I thought it would be, but I think they still turned out pretty cute. Natalie kept seeing them in the kitchen and saying "I cucake" - she couldn't wait to eat them.

Shhh..don't tell Natalie, but she actually didn't get to blow out any candles.  We were having trouble with our lighter and it was a little windy, so no fire.  She pretended and we sang to her.  As she gets older, I'm sure this will be more important, but for a 2 year old, she was fine with it.

Rhys started out with one Auntie and was pretty alert. She got passed around and finally passed out.

She was so excited about the bounce house that we couldn't get her to open her presents!  We ended up taking some of them to the bounce house so she would open them, but she was much more interested in jumping.  Oh well, maybe next year!

4 generations pictures with Rhys.  It was great to have both great-grandmas there!

And our attempt at a family picture - should have done it earlier in the day!

Natalie playing with some of her new toys.  Look how serious she is trying to figure out her new computer!

I just can't believe this little girl is two!  She is looking more and more grown up lately. Talking up a storm (and I know her vocabulary will only continue to expand). She runs and jumps everywhere!  Loves her baby sister - she insists on greeting her when we walk in the door, and kissing her goodnight as she goes to bed. 

We tried our best to measure her. She goes to the doctor next week for her 2 year checkup. Our best measurements are:
Weight: 26.5lbs?
Height: somewhere around 34.5 inches
Diapers: size 4
Clothes: size 24mo/2T
Shoes: 6 /6.5


Patty said...

Cute birthday pictures! Hard to believe how quickly she is growing, but she's still the cutest little thing!! (Rhys too!)

Happy 2nd Birthday sweet girl! xoxo

Amanda said...

Oh what a cute party!You were spot on it does look like she was really overwhelmed with everything going on. She looks excited in every picture :) Tell Natalie we said happy belated birthday! We'll be out there for Cheyne's company Christmas party Dec3rd. Hopefully we can plan a visit and stop by! Beautiful Family & pics!
