
7th Appt (30 wks, 5 days)

We started our biweekly appointments - it's hard to believe time has gone so quickly!

Everything is still well. My blood pressure was 110/65 (normal for me, and still on the low side). I measured at 32cm, which is about 1 week ahead of schedule, but David and I weren't too convinced the measure job was too accurate (seemed a little sloppy to us).

The best part of the appointment was that I asked about her position again. I'm still convinced that she mostly has her head up and feet down below kicking away. The Midwife felt around and decided that, yes, she was head-up, laying at a diagonal. And, she showed me how to tell! She had me put my hands on either side of the head and then alternate pressure between my hands. You can totally feel her head bobble back and forth. Very fun! David got to try it too. (By the way, she also mentioned that baby probably flips around 20 times a day; this surprised me, because I never feel any of that! We still have another 5 weeks or so until they get concerned that she's not staying head-down).

Still no contractions, swelling, backache, rib-ache (from kicking) or anything else terribly uncomfortable. I have been tired this week, but I'm pretty sure that was due to all of the weekend activities (will post more about the family visits, showers, BBQ, etc later).

Next appointment in 2 weeks on Aug 26th.


Tania said...

You can also use a flash light against your belly and she should move to get out of the light. :-)
