
Potty Training - the 8 month update

So this weekend marks 8 (yes, EIGHT) months that we've been practicing potty training with Natalie.  FINALLY, I feel like we are having a break-thru (and this post had better not jinx it!).
On Friday, Natalie was being a little difficult and decided she didn't want to wear a pull-up, so I let her wear underwear and we had to change her immediately because she had an accident.  We let her wear big girl undies to the restaurant and that was a disaster.  We didn't push the potty this past week, because I didn't want to deal with stopping every 20 min for a potty break between here and San Diego.

So, today it was back to big girl undies and she did fantastic!!  One pee accident and then rest of the day was in the potty!!!! Woohoo!  We even ventured out to Orchard Supply with big girl undies.  I knew she might have to go, but luckily we were near the front of the store when she told me, so we hustled over to the restroom and sure enough, she went!

Grandma & Grandpa came by to pick something up tonight and we kept asking her if she needed to go (knowing it was about that time), and at the very end she ran up to me and whispered "mama, I need to go potty", so we ran over and she DID!

A little side note, this child loves to visit public pottys.  Ugh!  I hate even thinking about all of the germs in public places, but she loves to visit them and has no problem actually using them!  I guess that is actually a positive thing - could be a disaster if she were afraid of them!

So excited that we are finally getting somewhere.  Up to this point it has been so hit or miss and it was like she really didn't notice that she needed to go.  Constant messes and frustration.  Let's hope she is making a turning point and we can get past the pull-ups (even though I just bought a brand new pack..I'd be ok if it sits unused until Rhys is ready!)  I was beginning to think Rhys might start training before Natalie got this figured out!  Glad that doesn't seem to be true.

Now, we'll be on the lookout for the nearest potty..!


Shan said...

YAY Natalie!

Try one of these for those public potty moments!


michelle said...

We have a similar folding seat, but we are at the stage of: if she says she needs to go, she really means she needed to go 2 seconds ago! No time for unfolding seats, not yet anyway.

Plus, then the folding seat touches the public potty. Ick! Lol.
