
Stats & our "cat"

Quick update - took Rhys in for her check-up today. Everything checked out good.

Height: 27.75 in (15%)
weight: 19 lb, 7 oz (25%)

He reminded me that this is the gymnast stage - they climb things, bang into everything and might need helmets - or at least bubble wrap to protect themselves :)

And tonight at dinner Natalie informed us that we have a cat. All of a sudden she was talking to "white cat" on the floor and petting her imaginary cat. No idea where she came up with this! She continued to refer to it randomly throughout the night...we'll see if "white cat" sticks around - at least we don't have to feed it!

One more funny Natalie story tonight - she kept wanting to play with my hair so she was combing thru it with her fingers and then started singing the Rapunzel song telling my hair to grow longer and shine bright. Lol! I think I found a trick for letting me comb HER hair!

I'll try to post pictures of Rhys' party soon. Maybe tomorrow.


jennifer.f said...

Wonder if it belongs to Guy!

Patty said...

That's too funny! She mentioned she had "white cat" while we were there this weekend, too! I'd prefer her imaginary one over the real one I have at my house. :)
