
Vacation - Day 3

Vacation Day 3 was super fun!  We took the girls to SeaWorld!

Rhys again woke us up before 6 ( oh the joys of travelling with a teething infant!).  It was a bit of a scramble to get out the door, and we left 30 min later than we wanted, but we made it to SeaWorld!

We got the map / schedule and decided to try for Shamu first.  We took the girls down to the viewing tank to show Natalie the whales first.  SOOO glad we did this - Natalie was freaked out at first - gigantic animals swimming in front of her.  But, I think if we had skipped this, she would have been scared of the Shamu show.  Instead, she thought it was pretty fun!

We killed a little time visiting the dolpins and then walked over to the Shamu stadium.  We got great seats in the top section (not the Soak Zone!).  It was actually pretty warm in the sun, but only about 72 or so in the park.  Natalie and Rhys both loved the Shamu show.  They were pretty fascinated!

We headed to the back of the park to see the Cirque de la Mer show - acrobatic show in the water, no animals.  The show was good, but not our favorite.  We checked out the star fish and aquarium on our way back.  Then we actually headed to the parking lot to eat some lunch that we packed.

We were able to see the Sea Otter show and the Dolphin Show - the dolphins were my favorite show!  They did some great tricks and there were acrobats above the pool too.  Natalie was pretty into this one too.

She keeps talking about how "Shambu" does big jumps and how she is swimming like a whale!

We got the girls stuffed whales on our way out of the park, and Natalie is already carrying it around and insists on it being in her bed at night.

Natalie fell asleep on the car ride back, but Rhys fussed quite a bit. She was starving, so we ended up stopping for a quick dinner.

David and Natalie checked out the pool when we got back.  Her little cat nap in the car gave her quite a bit of energy, so we figured she needed to get rid of it somehow!

