
More of July 4th

We went to Trisha & Travis' and joined their neighborhood block party for dinner and fireworks on the 4th.

The kids played outside before dinner.  They really enjoyed the sand box, and these two play really well together.  Very little refereeing required!

This was the best family picture we could get - Natalie is just really NOT into group pictures these days.  I'm hoping some day that will change, but until then, we have to fight tooth and nails to get what you see.

Rhys on the other hand is at a decent age - we can convince her to sit for a few seconds!  I'm sure she'll grow out of that soon!

Natalie, Miss-I'm-not-scared-of-anything was terrified of the fireworks :(  I think the first one caught her off-guard and there was no recovering after that.  Rhys didn't even notice them.  She was busy playing with the Cozy Coupe.  But, since Natalie was scared, we headed inside while the boys stayed out and did the fireworks.  Although, we had front row seats from Tali's bedroom window seat, so it wasn't too bad.

