
Vacation - Day 4

Day 4 (Tuesday) was a beach day!  Well, half beach day, anyway.   We let the kids play in the sand after Rhys' morning nap.  We packed our lunch for the beach this time..gotta love a little sand in your teeth!

The girls both decided they were done with the beach - Natalie wanted to go to the pool, and Rhys wanted to go for a nap.  David took Natalie swimming, and I headed indoors.

Natalie did awesome in the pool!!  I got her some water wings for the trip, and I'm kind of wishing I hadn't.  She put them on and wouldn't take them off.  She's never worn them at swim lessons, so I know she can do several things without them, but man, she was such a little fish with them on!  Once she got her balance figured out, she was kicking and inching her way all over the pool.  She was jumping off the side, jumping off the stairs, she even tried floating on her back.  She's got quite a little tan to prove it too.  (we actually went through a LOT of sunscreen...we were constantly putting it on all week!)
Rhys took kind of a short nap, so after David and Natalie came in from the pool, we (read: Michelle) had the idea of taking the kids on a bike ride - so you know, they would sleep?  There was a 7 mi (one way) bike path that started behind our condo.  We loaded everyone up with helmets (and sunscreen), grabbed some water, snacks, and hit the path.  The girls did ok for the first 4ish miles, but they definitely did not sleep.  At mile 5.5, we decided we'd better turn around in case they really didn't go to sleep.  The wind was incredibly strong on the way back, and around mile 1.5 of the return trip, Rhys could.not.deal with the bike anymore.  As in screaming her poor little lungs out like something was hurting.  So, we stopped and I got her out, calmed her down a little and we continued on, but she was not having it.  There was a parking lot with 3.5mi to go back to the condo.  Rhys and I hung out there for a while and David and Natalie went back and got the car to pick us up. An adventure, to say the least!

We made dinner at the condo, and the girls headed to bed!

