
Vacation - Day 2

Vacation Day 2 was a beach day!

Rhys woke us all up at 5:45am, so we got up and had breakfast and let Rhys take her morning nap before we headed to the beach (which is a whole 30 steps outside our complex gate!!). 

The girls both liked playing with the buckets and dumping the water out.

This was pretty much our first real beach day where we had to deal with sand on two small kids.  Oh so fun to clean!  I kept thinking the whole time - "I can't believe our parents used to take us to the beach when we were little...we'll never get rid of all this sand!"

We drove down to Solana Beach and met up with my college friend Sarah and her new husband Mike for some pizza.  (David and I were down in SD in May for their wedding).  It was fun to catch up - even if Natalie was a bit of a monster...early morning + sun + no naps = receipe for disaster!  Minor melt-down as we were leaving and major melt-down when we got back to the condo.

