
Weekend Away

This last weekend Michelle and I had decided that we needed to get away from the house. So we packed up the girls and headed to Bass Lake for the weekend. I was nice to get away and not have an agenda. 
We arrived on Friday morning to the cabin. It was 40 degrees in the cabin so we decided to turn on what we thought was the heater and head back to town to pick up a few things and have lunch. After being gone about an hour, we headed back to the cabin, only to find the temperature only at 44 degrees. After some investigating, we realized that we had turned on the air conditioner and not the heater. We turned on the heater and sooned it warmed up. It rained most of the afternoon and into the night.
On Saturday morning, we woke up to some light rain. While eating breakfast, the rain turned into hail. It continued to hail for most of the morning. Below is after an hour or so of hail.

Later in the morning Papa, Grammy, and Ryan joined us. Ryan and Natalie were having a great time climbing all over Papa. At one point they all pretended to be sleeping.

In the afternoon, it was really starting to snow.  There were some big snowflakes coming down.  So we decided to go outside to see if we could catch some. 

We had a great weekend with no agenda and no where to be.

