
Rhys is One Month old

Rhys is one month old today!
We celebrated with a walk on the Bob Jones Trail. Rhys made it 3/4 of the way in her car seat in the stroller before deciding her mama should hold her. Good thing we were almost back to the car!

One Month stats:
Weight: 9 lb 12 oz
Height: 20 inches (curiously the same as birth? Maybe she was smaller last month?)
Diapers: size 1 - we switched from NB this week
Clothes: some NB, some 0-3mo. NB are definitely on their way out this next week!
Sleep: we are starting to get a regular 5 hr stretch at night followed by 3 hr intervals for the rest of the day.
Food: she's had one bottle so far (tried it this week) and took 3 oz. Seemed to satisfy her, but we haven't tried again.

A couple more pictures from this week:

And, just for fun, a one month comparison with Natalie.  I didn't have any similar poses, so this is as good as it gets this time.  I'll try for a better side-by-side next month!  They're starting to look more different to me, but Rhys still reminds me a lot of Natalie.


Patty said...

Precious girls! Natalie looks to be a fabulous big sister to Rhys! Keep the posts and updates coming, we love to read about the new things the girls are doing.
xoxo, Auntie Patty
