
Lots of visitors

We've had a lot of visitors the past few weeks. Here's some highlights!

Patty, Jake & Ryan were in town for a softball tournament on the 13th / 14th. We met up at the beach! Natalie hadn't been in a long time (I think around her 1st birthday actually). She thought playing in the sand was pretty fun - and I'm pretty sure she ate a good deal of it too. She played really hard and we still only got a 5 minute nap out of the day, oh well!

Rhys napped on my lap under the shade and hung out with her Auntie. Not bad a bad trip for a 17 day old!

(Patty - I had to steal some pics from you.  I realized I did take pictures, but a lot were with your camera, not mine!)

Sunday we went to watch one of Jake's games in Morro Bay. The kids loved playing in the dirt while Rhys lounged with Aunt Patty again.

Wish we lived closer and the kids could play together more often!

We had Matt, Tania, Anna, Olivier, Mason and Grandma & Grandpa over to play this weekend. The play kitchen and ride-on horses were big hits.

Aunt Tania, Grandma & Grandpa got to hold Rhys for a while (my arms and back are thankful for a little break!).

The kids had a great time chasing each other, digging out toys, jumping, twirling and running around. 4 toddlers 3 and under definitely brings a lot of energy to one room!

Last night Joe & Heather brought the girls by to meet Rhys. Heather held Rhys while the 3 girls ran around. They played so well together! Natalie loves playing with the older kids - she and Lina were doing laps around the kitchen and having a little squealing match. Maybe it was the striped pants?

Our neighbors have a little girl that is 15 days older than Rhys. Anna brought baby Lyla over to chat the other day and the babies were wearing the same outfit! Had to take a picture of them in their summer onesies. 

Lyla is 5 weeks and Rhys 3 in this picture. They weigh about the same (9+ pounds), but Lyla is a bit longer.  We were both thinking the same thing: it's a nice, warm day, and we weren't sure how long these litle outfits would fit. Rhys is size NB here and Lyla 0-3 mo.

Lots of visitors, and I know there will be more to come in the following weeks!

