
Picture happy!

Quick highlights of the last SIX WEEKS!

Heather brought Lina and Audrey over for a visit. The girls had fun digging out all of the toys! We took them to the park and the babies shared a swing. Too cute!

Ari, Ricardo & Sebastian came to visit for the weekend! It was good to see them and spend time hanging out. We went down to Morro Bay for some window shopping and lunch. We also walked down the path to the rock. Gorgeous day!

My grandma had surgery at the end of August, so we made the trek to Hanford for a weekend. Natalie was able to meet and spend time with her (middle) namesake. She loved reading books with her Great-Great-Aunt Laura Faye!

While we were there, Natalie also got to meet her Great Uncle Chris. It was too cute that he wanted to hold her (and Liam).

Patty and Ryan came to stay the night with us on Sept 5th. We had a Mello family reunion in Pismo, so they came for the day and stayed the night. Ryan is always excited to "play" with Natalie. She's finally getting big enough to do so! He shares by giving her toys that he's not playing with, but he doesn't like when she gets too close to him. A few times she would grab him to catch her balance and he didn't want her touching him. And forget taking a picture together! Here's some pictures from Sunday morning:

Random picture from the reunion:

With Papa before the reunion in their matching shirts:

We saw Matt, Tania and the kids that weekend at Grandma & Grandpa's house. It's so fun to see all of the kids together! Natalie was on the move the whole time, and really enjoyed playing with Anna's babies.

Natalie playing with her stick horse at Grammy & Papa's. Ryan uses his stick horse to "weed wack" and "blow leaves"..his stick horses make tool noises like "vvvsshhh" and "brrrmmmm", so it's pretty fitting that when Natalie picks up the stick horse, hers says "vvfffss" (Impossible to write out..I'll try to get it on camera next time). Notice it is upside down too; apparently that's how you're supposed to hold it. She and Ryan both do it. Last time we visited, she went straight for the stick horses and thought they were the best toy in the bucket!

We got our annual Cal Poly seats for the football game. We've had two home games, and so far Natalie has been super at the games! She loves people-watching and lap surfing between Trisha & I. Musty was making his rounds and we got him to take a picture with Natalie. She was curious but not scared! (Let's hope she's good with Santa in a few months!)


Tania said...

Great pictures! Can't believe it is almost birthday time!!
