
Almost made it to a year

We made it 11mo and a few days, but it looks like Natalie caught a back-to-school cold from daycare :( She has a Dr appointment in the morning to make sure she doesn't have an ear infection. The past few nights she's woken up crying; we aren't sure if her ears are bothering her or if it's because she is so stuffy. She was in a good mood tonight, so hopefully it's on it's way out. Pretty sure she has passed it to me though...yuck!

She had a little cough when I first went back to work and a little runny nose a few weeks ago, but I think this qualifies as the first real cold. The good thing is she hasn't been completely unbearable even when she is sick! Just some whining when she should be sleeping, but other than that she is pretty happy.

Before I forget, 11 month stats:
Weight: 18lbs
Height: 28inches (finally some growth!)
Clothes: 6-9 and 9-12 mo
Diapers: size 3

