
TWO teeth!

Forgot to mention yesterday, Natalie has TWO teeth now! She spent last Wednesday with her Grandma Luce, and she thought the bottom right tooth was coming in. I kept feeling around and thought so too. This morning I got a good peek and sure enough! Both teeth are about the same height.

I stuck my finger in last night to check the top teeth and she bit me! Baby teeth are sharp! I remember when Ryan was about this age, I tried giving him a taste of BBQ sauce, but instead of licking my finger like I anticipated, he bit down -HARD! Guess I didn't learn my lesson.

These pearly whites will probably be hard to get a picture of for a little bit. Hopefully soon!


Patty said...

I'm sitting here laughing because I was remembering the day Ryan bit you - just before I continued reading and saw that you remembered it, too! Ha! She's growing so fast and it's fun to watch her hit the milestones, like you got to do with Ryan! :)
