
Crazy, busy week

We've had a crazy, busy week! Playdate, business trip, and a doctor's appointment.

Last weekend we went to visit with Matt, Tania, Anna, Olivier, and Mason! It's been a while since we've had all the kids together. It was fun to see them interact and how much they've all changed!

(Still on my to-do list: Learn to use the camera! Some of these are out of focus in one way or another..but they are the best ones that I was able to get).

Then on Monday, I left for a whirlwind trip to Orange County. I did a crazy 3-day training session at one of my client's offices. Work trips are exciting, but there is never any down time. It was my first time away from Natalie overnight; we both survived. It was hard because even when I work, I usually see Natalie for 30-60 minutes in both the mornings and the evenings. So, no Natalie time for me and David got to fly solo for a few days. Overall, successful trip! Next step, both of us try to escape for an overnight stay.

Apparently Natalie enjoyed her daddy time. Yesterday after work I was holding Natalie. David came over and said, "oh, let's show Mama what you can do". He said, "Say, Da-da" and CLEAR AS DAY she repeated him with a huge smile! No extra syllables and no confusion. I think he might win the first word, although she hasn't done it since.

This morning was Natalie's 9 mo checkup. Official stats:
Weight: 16lbs 13oz
Height: 26.5 inches

15th percentile for both per infantchart.com although the Dr. said she was at 20th and 25th for Weight and Height. No idea why the difference.

She is on the petite side, but the Dr. said this is due to all of her activity. He said there's nothing to be concerned about because she is eating her solids 3 times a day and sleeping without any problem at night. He said we may even see more of a taper at the 12 month mark, but after that we'd probably see some increases.

She had her iron levels checked and everything is in normal range.

We went over the foods and most things are allowed now. Said to introduce spice and flavor and let her eat! Still no milk, unpasteurized honey, peanut butter, egg whites, and acidic foods. Suggested that we should start offering water in a sippy cup but he would hold off on the juices. I've been trying diluted juice, because the instant she gets water in her mouth, she makes a sour face and spits it out. Guess we just keep trying. I got her a cup with a straw because she keeps trying to suck out of the sippy cup, but the straw requires biting and sucking at the same time, and she just hasn't caught onto it yet. She can do the sippy cup, but I have to help her hold it up. A few times, I've just laid her on her back on the floor and she can manage the sippy cup all on her own!

Swim lessons again this afternoon. Last week was a little rough. The actual lessons went great, but we had a different instructor and some new exercises. When we got home, Natalie was pretty sick for a few hours. Must have swallowed some extra pool water. Definitely not a fun evening. So, here's to hoping for a better Friday!


Tania said...

Just checking during my lunch because I remembered today was her appointment. They do slow down for a while now, thankfully! :-) Those are some great photos you got of the kids and I have to say that I think Mason and Natalie look a lot alike!
