
Catch up post!

So much going on lately, so little time for blogging!

The crawling continues to improve. Within 2 days of moving forward, she was already testing the waters. Usually a simple "No, no Natalie" will get her moving to a new direction.

Patty and her family were camping at the beach, so we made a trip to see Liam and get a cousin picture! He was about a week and a half old here. So fun to remember how little they start and how fast they grow!

We took a (long) road trip that next weekend. Natalie did pretty good in the car. We just took our time and stretched the 6 hr trip into a full 9 hour drive. We tried to do most of the driving while she was napping, which mostly worked. Got checked into the hotel and then she thought it was party time! Finally got her to sleep around 11pm. Waaaay past all of our bedtimes. Only to be woken about 1:30am. I think some people had just checked in and were talking in the hallway, must have woken her up. She cried and carried on for quite a while. For the first time, I loaded her up in the middle of the night and we went for a drive. She was quiet in the comfort of her car seat, but woke up when we returned to the hotel. She continued to fuss until about 4:30. Not a whole lot of sleeping that night. And the next day, with the exception of about 1.5 hrs of combined naps, Natalie was awake the entire day! We went to a 50th wedding anniversary party, and she didn't want to miss a single minute! Needless to say, she slept great for night #2 at the hotel!

When we got home, we found that Trisha had left a little surprise for Natalie. She kept the glasses on long enough for a quick photo, and ever since then thinks they are a great toy!

Some quick, fun pictures in the grass, enjoying the summertime. I love this little outfit on her!

And this face! She's been doing this little pouty lip thing that is just too cute!

Then last weekend was the 4th and David's birthday! We hadn't been to the valley for fireworks in a while, so we decided we'd go this year. The whole family got together on the 3rd to celebrate. We spent some time in the pool, BBQd and hung out with everyone. Again, change of scenery, sleeping in the Pack 'n Play, the heat, etc. etc, whatever it was, Natalie decided she wanted to be up at midnight for a good bit. I ended up walking around the house rocking her until she fell asleep. Day / Night #2 were smooth and close to her usual schedule. It's just the first night away that takes some adjusting.

We spent the 4th in the pool, enjoying the heat, and hanging out with Patty, Jake, and Ryan. Natalie was tired at the end of the day. She actually sat / lounged in my lap for quite a while. Very rare, so I just sat and enjoyed it!

We originally intended on going to the huge 4th celebration, but in the end, opted to stay at the house and enjoy some quiet. Natalie was in bed by 8pm, so she missed the fireworks. But, the rest of us sat in the street, enjoyed the warmness, and had some homemade ice cream. Yumm!

I think that gets us mostly up to date on the events around here. All of the driving and travelling has meant lots of packing / unpacking, prepping baby food to take on the road, loads and loads of laundry upon return, catching up on sleep here and there, and, oh yeah..working in between!

Natalie's 9 mo post coming up next..!

