
6 months!

Yesterday was Natalie's 1/2 birthday!

Some of the things she is doing:
* Sitting on her own. She's able to sit more upright for longer periods of time. We still don't leave her alone like that, but she's definitely getting stronger.

* Transferring objects. She'll take her pacifier and transfer from one hand to the other. Same with some of her toys.

* Putting her pacifier in by herself. Been doing this a few weeks now. She still won't do it at night, but during the day, she puts it in and takes it out by herself.

* Eating lots of foods. This month she's had rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, pears, carrots, bananas (in that order). She's done well with them all. She gets 1 - 2oz around dinner time.

* Nursing 4 times a day. 8a, 11:30a, 3:30p, 6:45p.

* Sleeping all night. She goes to bed around 7/7:30 and is up again at 8am. The past 3 nights she hasn't even needed her pacifier in the middle of the night!

* Squealing, laughing, smiling, and happy talking. She giggles, but it's not real often. Her newest thing is to sort of silent laugh. It sounds like she's sort of out of breath or something, but she has the biggest smile on her face. I'm sure it will turn into a big laugh soon! This girl has the biggest smiles for her daddy. He walks into the room, she'll turn her head and immediately give him the biggest smiles.

* Crunches, crunches, crunches. This girl must have abs of steel (under her baby fat, of course!). When we put her down on her back, she will hold her upper body up forever! People comment they've never seen other babies do this (or at least never this long). It's just her way of seeing what's going on, I guess.

She seems to have mastered rolling from back to front around 4 mo old, and has no interest in doing it anymore. If we push her legs over to her side, she'll flip over and push up on her arms, but she rarely initiates rolling over. I only saw her roll front to back twice, and I'm not sure it wasn't on accident! I guess she's just going to go straight to crawling - no barrel rolling for Natalie.

She's around 15.5 lbs, wearing 3-6 mo clothes, size 2 diapers. She can still fit into some of the 0-3 mo onesies, but most of them are getting snug or too short. We've definitely moved on to 3-6 mo stuff. We'll have her official stats on Monday at her next appointment.


Patty said...

Sounds like some great milestones for 6 months old! Adorable picture, as always! :)

Tania said...

The boys are going to pass her up (well as far as how tall they are). We are already having to move to 9 month onesies. They are making up for lost time!
