
6 month check-up

Just got back from the doctor's office. Natalie is doing great!

Weight: 15 lbs 9 oz (40th %)
Length: 26 inches (60th %)

Her length surprised me the most, but I'm also amazed that she is an ounce shy of 8lbs heavier than when she was born! Crazy how much she has grown!

The Dr. noted that she flew through her first cold season without any problems (most likely because we haven't had to see him outside of the check-ups). He said to start increasing her solid food to twice a day and that by 9 months old she should be having solids 3 times a day! Now I have to figure out how to fit in the extra feeding!

I asked if I should try to get her to be a more consistent napper and he said he wouldn't mess with it much because she is so good at night. She'll continue to increase her daytime activities and the extra food will help her get the energy.

He listened to her lungs and said all is clear. Her little fake laugh/cough thing is just that.

He said a lot of babies at this point are rolling across the floor, but not to be worried that she doesn't. Just continue to show her how, but that she might skip right to crawling and pulling up on things.

Since she doesn't have any teeth yet, it sounds like the next 3 months could be interesting. The Dr. said that most babies will get the bottom 2 and then the top 4 teeth by 9 months old. Yikes! Sounds like she could get a whole bunch at once.

She did good with her shots, a little whimper and then she was fine when I picked her up! The next round is in 3 months.

