

I think it officially hit me that we are parents. Tonight after Natalie went to bed, David and I played Wii Bowling ( thanks to Craigslist we finally joined the rest of the world and own a Wii). Growing up I remember when us kids had to go to bed and my mom and dad would stay up late and play Tetris or Dr Mario (it was like Tetris, but with medicine caplets).

I'm sure many more "can you believe we're parents?" moments will follow.

Oh yeah, and I think I beat my own record: 213! If only it was the real deal.


Jennifer AKA Grammy said...

Now you know our secret!!!! We used to get you kids to bed so we could play, we'd stay up for hours trying to beat the top scores. There was that kangaroo game too, can't remember the name of it. Maybe Crash Bandicoot.

Welcome to the Wii world. We've bowled a few times since you were there, and I heard Dad on it after I went to bed one night!

michelle said...

Yeah, Crash was on the PlayStation.

Dad's trying to improve his game for next time? I think I need to try the golf challenge..I wonder if I could learn to hit a real ball by playing Wii..

This Wii was calling our names..it came with the Price Is Right. We tried it out..I guessed the price on the dot to get an extra $500, got to play Plinko, and won a car, but we overbid in the final round. Oh well.
