
New Skills

Over the last week, Natalie has been picking her head and shoulders up off the ground. We noticed she was doing this in the bath last week too.

We got back on Sunday, and she was enjoying some floor time. I layed her down, and immediately her legs came up and SHE ROLLED OVER! David had his back turned, so I told him what she did. We rolled her onto her back, and she did it again! It's so cute, once she's all the way over, she starts "talking", loudly! It's like she's saying "Look at me, I rolled over"!

I have a video, but I'm having trouble uploading. Stay Tuned!

She continues to practice swinging her legs and lifting her head - when we lay her down on the floor, or on the changing table. She is talking louder and constantly has her hands in her mouth. She even started rubbing her eyes when she was tired the other night. Motor skills are definitely picking up!

Napping while laying on her side & with her thumb in her mouth:

Two weeks ago, Natalie was eating 6 times a day, and I could almost set my watch to her routine. That has since gone out the window. It seems like she changes things up the minute I get her figured out! She's been stretching feedings, and I'm having to remind her to eat. I must say it is nice having more time between feedings to get things done, run errands, etc. At the same time, I hope she settles into a new routine so I can leave notes for the babysitters (Daddy and Grandma) starting next week!


Patty said...

Looking forward to seeing the video!
Reading your blog today makes me realize how quickly they (our kids) are growing and changing. I am working on a post right now about Ryan's newest change! Check it out soon. :)

Shan said...

Way to Go Natalie! Mommy & Daddy must be so proud! We are also looking forward to seeing the video.

The lesson I learning from this: enjoy every moment after this baby is born, as it will all fly by (too fast at times). Thanks ladies, don't know what I'd do without the advice!
