
Camping 2012: Take 2

We did a second camping trip this summer.  Our first trip earlier this summer was a bit of a disaster, and this one was SO MUCH BETTER in comparison.  We had a fabulous view:
great (quiet) neighbors, and the kids did awesome! 

Yummy watermelon!  (on the comfort of carpet. Everyone takes carpet when they camp, right??)

And a little potty break!  We'll definitely use this as blackmail in about 13 years.  So glad we took "little potty" with us, because there is no way I wanted Natalie in a Porta-Potty.  See how she's got her hands?  Yucko! This was a much better choice.


Thank goodness for baby wipes!

Marshmallows on night #2.  We spent the day at the water slides.  The girls all loved it!  Natalie is just barely big enough to do all of the kiddie slides by herself, so she had a blast.  David and I took turns taking Rhys down and she was having a ball.  Lot of laughing and splashing and no pictures!

Our camping dog, Miss Hailey. 

A Family Picture!  I told Trisha "I'll pay you big bucks if you can get a good picture of all of us".  Good thing we didn't settle on a real number!

I like this picture - they are just sitting taking in the view.

Sunday morning - we were packing up the camping gear, so we moved Rhys' bed out into the shade.  The big girls were good at entertaining her.  I think they secretly wanted into the crib too.

Natalie's "Silly Face"

She was helping clean up - she did a good job sweeping all of the leaves.

And Rhys did a good job hanging out.  Who would want to nap with that view in sight, anyway?


Trisha said...

Wow, great pics! Well done! Love the pics of the two looking at the lake and the ones of Tali eating a marshmallow! Thanks for a great weekend!
