
9 mo Dr. visit

Rhys had her 9 month checkup this morning!  Couple of funny things.  The Dr. said we should expect her to start crawling any day now...ummm...yeah, she's been doing that about 2 months now!  And, he said we should watch for her molars that usually come in.  Well..I'm pretty sure molars are still a little off since we still don't have any front teeth!

Overall, he said she looked perfectly healthy (other than the newest cold that she's gotten the last week).  Gave me some more food ideas and she goes back in another month for another vaccine.  She got her 1st Hep B shot today.

Height: 26 in (10%)
Weight: 18 lb 4 oz (40%)

Her height remains low and her weight has now dropped below the average line. Her activity level is definitely burning some extra calories!

Before I forget, she finally starting going from a crawling to a sitting stance last week.  I don't remember the exact day that she did it regularly, but I think it was May 2nd.  She practiced a bunch that weekend and has been doing it ever since.  She almost always pushes up with her left arm / on her left side.

She's also been getting up on her knees.  It's kind of funny; either Natalie never did this, or both David and I already forgot!  The neighbor baby girl was doing it and I commented that Natalie hadn't ever done that. And then like 2 days later, Rhys did it and David said the same thing! 

She's making great physical strides the past few days.  She went from sitting to wanting to stand up constantly!  We stand her up at the couch or on the stroller walking toy and she just LOVES it.  She gets really frustrated because she can't quite pull herself up yet.  She tries really hard but I haven't seen her do it by herself. 

And TODAY, not only has she been standing up at the couch, but she has been cruising along!  She moved from the corner ("comfy spot") to the arm of the couch a few times.  She'll stand up there and try to grab stuff off the couch or just takes her hands completely off and stands for a few seconds.

I'm not getting too excited, because it took Natalie forever to go from this stage to walking.  I'm not in a hurry for her to walk because: 1) She's my baby! and 2) I think she will be into anything and everything!

Pictures coming soon.  Too tired to take too many, and too exhausted to actually find the camera and upload them.  Might have something to do with a certain someone waking the entire house up at 5:30am for the past few days.

