
Rhys @ 5 months

Yesterday Rhys was 5 months old. I have no idea where the time has gone or how that happened so quick!

She has rolled over a handful of times from Front to Back.  Mostly she does it in her crib, but Tuesday David saw her do it while she was playing on the floor.

Rhys is starting to move around.  We put her in the center of the crib and often find her squished against the top/front of the crib when we go in to get her.  Today I put her down on the floor to play and she moved a good 3ft backwards.  She's starting to turn herself around too..we've found her turned 90 degrees several times as well.
She is really interested when we eat.  She watches like a hawk and even tries to grab whatever we have.  Best example of this was my Christmas dessert.  She did her best to grab on to my plate!  We'll probably start trying cereal soon.

When I'm at work, Rhys goes through 2 or 3 bottles depending on the day.  Somewhere around 9-12 oz.  She's been going 3 hours between feeds when I'm around, and on bottle days she'll go even more.
We are still waiting for Rhys to decide that she likes to sleep during the night.  I'd have to say this is our least favorite part of the newborn stage, but she has gotten better recently.  She wakes us up around 4 or 5am for a snack.  Much better than before, but could definitely be better.

Rhys likes to sit in the Bumbo and play with her toys, she likes tummy-time with her toys, she likes to watch her sister Natalie running around, and she still likes to cuddle - especially with Mommy.

Overall, Rhys is a pretty mellow baby.  Other than the lack of sleep, we don't have any complaints.  And, it seems like she is starting to outgrow the spit-up phase. Hooray!

Weight: about 16lb 3 oz.
Height: about 24 inches
Diapers: size 3
Clothes size 6mo and 6-9 mo

It has taken the better part of my evening to upload these few pictures, so I think I'm calling it quits for the night.  Comparison pictures and Christmas posts will have to wait a few days until I have more time to fool with the computer / Blogger / Internet, etc.

