
Rhys Update

Miss Rhys is doing really well!

It's quite a bit different experience with the feedings so far. It took Natalie about a week before she was interested in nursing, but Rhys is already catching on! She does little marathon sessions (off and on for 2+ hrs) and then sleeps, sleeps, and sleeps! Both nights she has only been up once to eat between 11pm and 7am! It's funny - the nurses prefer she is up every 3hrs, but the pediatrician is encouraging us to let her sleep. We obviously like the Dr's position better :)

Since Rhys is nursing I'm not having to pump like I did with Natalie. So much better! No pump parts to clean, fewer middle of the night interruptions, and much less stressful! (although the pumping gave David more duties since he was the bottle feeder last time..I told him to rest up - I'll definitely need more help at home!)

I feel a little more soreness than I remembered having last time. But, I'm still able to get up and walk around. Just a little slow on the getting up part. We will probably go home tomorrow (Saturday). Overall I feel pretty good. No major pain, no swelling, no nausea. Blood pressure has been great. And eating real food again is super!! (even if it has been mostly hospital food). Tania brought us Panera Bread salads last night - so nice to have a decent amount of Bread again and not worry about the effect on blood sugar!

I think it's about naptime now :) will update more later.

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