
Around our house lately

What better way to kill an hour waiting to be done with my Glucose Test than blogging?! (hoping this goes well and I get to avoid the 3 hour test!)

Natalie has really been ramping up her vocabulary! Since I last posted she says "thank you". So cute, it sounds like "sank you". I have a video but can't upload from my phone..will post it later! She thanks us for everything..food, drinks, toys, and just randomly!

She's also been repeating random words. Waffle (waffafle), cookie, dinner, water, car. I told her she was going to the store with daddy on Sunday and she said "car?". She ran to the door and then came back when I didn't follow and said "go?"

Natalie asks to go "side" (outside) about 100 times a day! She loves being outside and is getting a little tan to prove it!

My favorite thing she has been doing this week is pointing and saying our names!! She points at me and says "mamma"! (sometimes repeatedly), then she points to David and says "daddy". She's so proud of herself. We try to have her say "Natalie", and it comes out like "nayaly". On Sunday (Mother's Day) she was having a little bedtime protest. David went in to calm her and she kept demanding her Mamma. David came out and said I needed to go. We used to get to decide whose turn it was, but I guess she has an opinion!

We've been working on other names too. So far she repeats Rylee (daycare buddy), and she points to our family picture and says Papa (& mama & daddy), but that's about as far as we've gotten. She says something like Grandma, but not real consistent or clear.

Last night David was showing her the old Natalie videos on his phone. She sat there and watched and laughed for a long time. She just loves babies, so I hope the baby transition in our house goes smoothly!

Pregnancy is going well. Had an appointment last month before Easter. Measuring on track and good BP (116/62). The morning sicknes seems to have finally cooled off. Lasted until week 27 this time. I've been having a lot more pains than last time. Midwife says it is Round Ligament Pain. Oh the joys!

Still no name progress for baby #2. she gets referred to as Baby or Baby Sissy most days. Natalie always asks to "see" the baby and lifts up my shirt. The other morning she even tried to feed her! It was the cutest thing - she lifted my shirt and put her milk cup up there like she does to her dolly!

I'm 28 ish weeks now. Baby should be here in 11 weeks (not sure when I'll get a date) thats only +/- 77 days! Yikes! Probably another 10 weeks of work. Lots to do!

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