
18wk appt

I had my next appointment this morning. Things are still going well. Blood pressure was lower than last time; 116/72. Baby is measuring right on track with a heartbeat of 159bpm. The midwife said "sounds like another girl", just kind of a joke because of an old wives tale that girls have high heart beats.

My bloodwork came back. Most things checked out ok. My vitamin D levels are really low. I guess it puts me at a higher risk for depression, diabetes, bone issues, etc. She gave me some drops to take as a supplement 6,000IU/day, vs recommended daily amount of 600. Let's hope it helps!

Other than that, it was pretty uneventful! Always a good thing. The BIG ultrasound is March 9th -two more weeks until we know if it is a girl or boy!! Can't wait!!

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