

Time has been tight lately. I have a camera (or two) with cards full of pictures and no time to download them. So, for now you're stuck with just a text update. Hopefully we'll get pictures / videos downloaded later this week..

Natalie continues to amaze us! She seems to learn new things everyday.

I hope we can get this on camera, but she is starting to repeat words! Not "mama" or "dada" or any other "useful" words, but DOG! We have a beagle magnet on the fridge. David shows her and says dog and she repeats back "dah" and then points to it!! She's done it 3 or 4 times now.

She's starting to wave her hands. After she's done eating, we sign All Done and she repeats. She's also waved ByeBye a few times. Of course when we want her to, she won't!

Her sense of humor is starting to develop! Natalie has been randomly laughing at things. It's not a full on laugh, but more of a ha, ha. The other day I was eating a banana and she was having a fit wanting some. I let her take a bite and she thought it was funny. I grabbed the camera and got a video (will post soon).

Finger foods are the new menu. We still have some purée leftovers, but for the most part, she's eating stuff with her fingers. Gotta find new ideas for her meals now. We've been doing chuncks of sweet potato, carrots, peas (her favorite!), cheerios, puffs, zucchini, bread, banana, peaches, cantaloupe, and cheese (another favorite)! She's not a big meat fan so far. Maybe when she gets more teeth? She's got two bottom teeth and half of her two top teeth.

The milk factory is starting to slow down. My original goal was to make it to six months, but that came and went and I'm still nursing. Supply has been on the decline and we're starting to go thru the freezer stash. Good news if you visit us: we can offer you drinks with ice now that the milk no longer takes up every inch of the freezer! (it's also nice to be able to buy ice cream again!). We'll see how long the freezer supply lasts; we may go straight to cow's milk without switching to formula!

I can't believe my baby girl is already going to be big enough to have real milk! (Soon enough she won't want me calling her "baby girl"! )

It's funny to see her crawling all over the house. She follows me around in the morning while I'm trying to get ready. Tonight David said she went down the hallway, just checking things out. For the most part she's slow enough that we can keep an eye on her!

I'm working some overtime since the big tax deadline is coming (and I bet you thought April 15th was the deadline!). Natalie has been spending an extra day at daycare. Thank goodness Kristi had a little extra room! I'm looking forward to going back to my usual 3 days though and spending some extra time with Miss Natalie!

So, if I get some extra time this week I'll add pictures!

