

This has been a week of exploration for Natalie. She has been practicing new sounds and tried cereal tonight!

She discovered her voice and likes to repeat this high pitched whine. Hear for yourself:

She's also been talking to herself in the mornings before I go in to get her. I grabbed the camera a few minutes into her chatting, and she stopped after she saw me, but she is such a happy girl in the mornings! She's been waking up earlier and earlier - just in time for the time change next weekend.

The past few weeks Natalie has been staring down our food. She follows it from your plate to your mouth and is super quiet studying how to do it. The Dr. told us anytime we were ready, go ahead and start with cereal. We decided she was in a pretty good mood tonight when David got home from work, so we thought we'd give it a try. I think she might have worn more than she swallowed, but she definitely had the right idea!

A couple cute pictures from an outing with her daddy. It was a drizzly day!

Hard to believe we'll be taking her 5-month pictures next week! Time is sure flying!

(Complete side note - I was doing some experimenting with the uploads. I switched the video quality to low so that it would upload quick, but now they are kind of blurry. Next time I'll use medium and see if it is better. I also tried to upload the pictures using the "small" option to see if it would be faster, no such luck. Took forever and the pictures are small. Oh well, now I know!)


Patty said...

Ryan's first 3 reactions to watching Natalie talking/squealing on the floor:

1. Natalie's crying!
2. Natalie is talking to me!
3. She wants her socks off! (not that we even saw her wearing any socks in that video!!)

Very cute - I love all of the videos and pictures, too!

michelle said...

Haha, I love it! I can totally picture #1 & 2, not sure where he got the part about the socks...but maybe he understands her squeals better than us! She did have socks on, so it's totally possible...:)

send me the pics from this weekend when you get time.

Hugs and kisses to Ryan
