
The rest of 2012

Well, this post has been drafted since 2/4/13, and at that point I was 6 weeks behind...I was waiting to add to it, but that obviously never happened.  Guess I'll just post and go forward.

I'm only 6 weeks or so behind!  Better late than never, I suppose.

I finally got around to unloading the pictures from the camera.  Here's what the end of 2012 looked like:

Dress-up Days!

Trying to get a good picture of the both of them together, smiling AND looking at the camera is nearly impossible.  These are the best we got.

(Natalie decided they needed a "couch" to sit on. She pulled in two diaper boxes, and surprisingly they actually did sit and take a few pictures)

Tali came over one night to do a ginger bread house.  The girls really love playing with Tali (and her dog Hailey)

Christmas Eve Day 2012 with the Remillards

Our attempt at getting all 5 in a single shot was miserable.  We were all fighting colds and the girls just wanted nothing to do with it.  Maybe next year.

Grandpa giving Anna & Natalie rides in the Bilibo seats.

Christmas morning!  Santa brought the girls a jeep!  They were exicted to sit in it until one of them pushed the gas pedal and they went flying backwards into the fireplace.  Rhys is pretty much scared of it now.  She doesn't want to go for rides yet.  Can't say I really blame her much because Natalie definitely needs some practice as a driver.

For the last 2 weeks before Christmas, the only thing she wanted Santa to bring her was pink roller skates.  The old guy came through!  She made it as far as the kitchen floor, took one step and fell on her bottom.  She immediately took them off and hasn't tried since.

 Cruising around the neighborhood in our jammies!

