
Life is busy!

inch-worm crawling everywhere
exploring everything
loves thumb sucking (still mostly the left)
tasting more solids: pears, sweet potato, carrots, peas
sometimes refuses bottles
loves the bath
mostly sleeping at night
generally very happy baby!

not-potty-training: usually refuses to try, doesn't seem to care if she is wet or dry, and doesn't seem to care if she gets candy, stickers, or any other treat
talking non-stop
picky eater: only wants to eat chicken nuggets or hot dogs for dinner
loves to be outside
hates going to bed
loves to find her sister in the morning
grumpy & moody and chewing on her fingers, which makes me think she is getting the rest of her teeth
loves puzzles and "playing games" (mostly just takes games out, spreads them around, and then picks them back up)

throw in tax season (me), budget season (David), daycare drop-off / pick-up, grocery shopping, the usual house chores, and refinancing 2 properties, and this sums up our crazy life lately.  No time even to take pictures, but we'll work on that!

