
September part I

It's been a busy few weeks, to say the least! I'm naming this post Part I, hopefully I get around to posting a Part II for the rest of the month.

September 1st marked my first day back to work. Rhys was 5 weeks old and has been going with me! I've just been working part-time. Around 5-6 hrs a day to help the office get through the September 15th deadline. It makes for some tired days! We get up after an interrupted night of sleep, get Rhys & myself dressed and ready and head to the office. After work it is dinner, baths and some fun time before Natalie heads to bed. Rhys is pretty good at the office-she spends a lot of time sleeping in my lap, in the pack n play or in my Moby Wrap. The girls have nicknamed her the "AOB" - Accounting Office Baby and have been super helpful entertaining her too. A little distracting, but overall pretty productive!

Rhys is still pretty hit or miss on sleep. Some nights I'm only up once; other nights it's every two or three hours. I'd say she's getting better in general, but at least a portion of her nights, she sleeps next to me.

If I have to guess, I'd say Natalie will be super independent, and Rhys will be more sensitive & cuddly. This child just loves to be held and snuggle with her mama!

September 3rd was our annual family reunion. Nice for us that everyone came to Pismo and we didn't have to travel. Grammy, Papa and Ryan came to stay the weekend with us. The kids had a lot of fun playing together. Here's Ryan & Natalie playing on the air mattress. don't be fooled - there was lots of jumping too.

Breakfast of champions: chocolate filled chocolate doughnuts (notice he only got 1/4 of it!)

And we got some great family shots!

Kevin and Shannah brought Liam over to visit afterwards. It was fun to have all four grandkids together for the first time. We convinced them to all sit for a picture. (took 6 adults to get 4 kids focused!)

Love the outtake too!

And some duck lips:

Monday night Natalie fell asleep at dinner! Second time ever! I guess that's what happens after 4 days at home without naps!

Friday night was Swim class. Natalie just loves it. They did a new song this week and got to jump off the side. She was so excited that She jumped in before it was time.

Here's the 4 girls lined up (Natalie is 3rd from the left):

This weekend Natalie spent the day with her Grandma & Grandpa Remillard. I think it is safe to say she had a lot of fun! Seems like she always eats good, naps, and helps clean up her toys. Sure wish she would do that at home!!

David kept Rhys on Saturday while I worked kid-free. It was good bonding time for them..first time they'd been together for so long. And she took her bottles well, so that is a good relief.

Sunday we had a lazy day at home. Natalie has been fighting a cold that she so kindly shared with the rest of us. Rhys seems to have been spared (so far anyway!), Davids got a cough, and I have some sort of sinus infection. We did go out for a quick trip to the park. Natalie loves the big kid play area and refuses to go on the little kid structures. She was entertained by the baby swings for a while though; in between trips down the big-kid slide (only the tallest one, of course!).

In the morning, Natalie & David played with playdoh while I cleaned the kitchen. She played for 30 min or so and didn't eat any!

Rhys napped on the couch for a while and Natalie thought she needed to join her!

I also got a hair cut. I've been wanting to cut it for a while and it was just getting too long and taking forever to deal with it in the mornings. So, I separated it into 4 ponytails and had David cutoff 8 inches to donate. Then I headed to Supercuts for a quick cleanup. It's a little shorter than I wanted, but it will grow out and it was for a good cause. I found a few organizations that take 8" of hair, but couldn't find any that would take less, at least none that use the hair for wigs. It's been 2.5 years since I last donated, but last time I had quite a bit more - closer to 11" I think.

