We went to our last appointment with the Midwife today. Next week we will see the OB for the pre-op meeting (not sure what exactly that entails, but I'm guessing he'll go over all the details of the surgery and probably any consent forms that need to be taken care of).
Blood pressure was good at 120/80 (higher than normal, but still is good range). I measured a little smaller at 34 cm, but that is likely due to her position which seems lower this past week. Heart beat sounded good - I didn't ask the rate.
We played the 20 questions game - I bring in my list of 20 questions and she does her best to answer them. (Might have been a little less than 20, but she was still impressed by my organization). We were able to get a general idea of what to expect next Friday(!!). I go in at 10:30 to be prepped. They draw blood, get the IV setup (hopefully that one goes smoother than last week), and get everything ready. She thought the OB would be doing the surgery on his lunch since he sees patients on Friday mornings. Her best guess is I would go in 12 - 12:30. I'll spend an hour or so in recovery afterward while David and baby go back to nursery/postpartum room. We won't have one of the standard L&D rooms since I won't need it (kind of nice I don't need to decide whether I want a room with a labor tub or shower..all of that has been decided for me). She seemed to think I'll go home on Monday (this was my guess too).
I think that's about all for now. My last day of work is tomorrow. Not sure yet how I feel about that! It's been more than 10 years since I haven't worked full or part time. In a way it'll be nice to have a break, but overall I really enjoy working. Of course, the first few weeks I will be so busy I won't even notice!
So, my next and final appointment is next Thursday. Hopefully nothing too exciting happens before then. My favorite MW is on vacation until Monday Oct. 12th and the OB happens to be in New York until Wednesday Oct. 7th. Of course there is a backup OB on call, but we hope we don't have to use that option!