
End of week 13 and other news

Week 13 is just about done. I had a 4 day streak of no sickness (new record!), but was sick again today. It's definitely getting better and seems to be on the way out. Yay!

I found a new doctor. My next appointment is 5/4 with the new office. My last appointment was enough to make me start the search. The doctor was over an hour behind schedule and no one bothered to tell me or keep me updated. It was just the last straw (there had been several varying problems in the past) and I figure it'd be better to change now than to wait until I was stuck there. So, I'm looking forward to my new office, even if I have to wait an extra 10 days for this appointment.

In other news, Baby Remillard is going to have new cousins and our neice/nephew count is about to Double! Matt & Tania are having twins! She is due in November. We're looking forward to the new additions.


Tania said...

Glad you are feeling better! Congrats on reaching the second trimester! Yeah!
