
Rhys @ 4 months

Rhys is 4 months old!  (I promise, I wrote this post on the 27th, but it has taken me a full day to upload a few pictures..so many other things to do!)

She is starting to get into her 3 hour routine pretty well and we are starting to read her cues easily. When she's been up for a while (about an hour / hour & half) and starts to fuss, she is tired and wants to sleep. She usually goes down without much fuss. She cries when she wakes up and is usually hungry.

She's eating every 2.5 - 3 hours. I was hoping that by feeding her more during the day she would sleep better at night, but so far that's not working too well. She was in a great pattern of waking once a night around 5, but lately she's been more on the 2am and 5am kick.

She is pretty happy when she is awake. We get lots of smiles from her...just not when we take pictures, apparently!

A picture of my "helper" who wanted to be in the pictures but didn't want to put down her juice cup.  She also didn't want to hold the backdrop and kept stepping on it. Oh well!

This past weekend we were home for Thanksgiving and she was really good about letting people hold her! So glad that she wasn't as clingy this visit.

She still hasn't rolled over, but I don't think it's too far off. She really arches her back on the changing table and tries to twist around on her activity mat. She really likes the exersaucer too; she spins herself around playing with all of the toys.

She and Natalie have been good at sharing a room. They don't seem to bother each other when one wakes up. (lately Natalie has been doing her fair share of waking...her 2 yr bottom molars are coming in).

We borrowed Tania's Bumbo since ours is still at daycare. Rhys likes to sit there for short periods, but then she starts arching her back and wants out. Someday I'm sure she will love it.

Natalie wanted Rhys to wear a "hat" Aka Orange Juicer. Looks like a mini sombrero!

Overall she is a pretty easy going baby. Well, except for the fact that she still won't take a bottle!! That has to end this week because I'm starting back to work part-time and she will be staying with daddy and then going to daycare 1 day/wk. Rhys is still more cuddly than Natalie was and loves to be near her mama.

We go to the Dr next week, but here's this month's stats:

Height: approx 23 inches
Weight: 15 lbs 12 oz
Diapers: we are working our way into 3s. 2s are starting to leak quite a bit.
Clothes: 3-6 mo

The 4 month pictures wouldn't be complete without a comparison shot.  Natalie had so much more hair than Rhys; I was already having to clip it back out of her face for pictures.


Patty said...

Happy 4 Months, Rhys! :)
