
Potty training day 1

We designated this weekend: Potty Training Bootcamp. Today was Day 1.

I've heard good things about the 3 Day Potty Training book and read thru the book. I made David read it too, because the method basically involves you pumping the child full of liquid and then watching them like a hawk until they either go potty or say they need to. At that point you run like mad to the potty. The 1:1 supervision for three days is super difficult with a 3 month old that also needs their mama.

We got up, had breakfast, got dressed and put away the rugs. We took Natalie to her room and put on her Big Girl Undies!

The next step is to have the child throw away all of their diapers. We had her throw them in a plastic bag in the trash but rescued them during naptime. Diapers = Money. Who throws away money? Besides, what if this doesn't work?? Plus, We can always use them for Rhys! The book's theory is that if you throw away the diapers, you can't revert back to them...which was super tempting after a few hours, let me tell you!

I started jotting down the potty times, but gave that up after countless accidents. By naptime we hadn't had even one successful trip to the potty! Ugh!

Natalie was frustrated and overtired, and we all needed a break. She finally fell asleep around 3:30, so we had to wake her up from her nap so we'd have normal dinner & bedtimes. She was not a happy camper, but she was DRY!!

Took her immediately to the bathroom and she cried. She hates to be woken up. So we got her down, went to the kitchen to get a snack and she announced she needed to potty and started going. I snatched her up and put her on the potty and she went!! First time ever!! We were all so excited! I had some Halloween Candy saved for her, so she got to have some.

She stayed dry for another 3 hours and then started dancing around, so I got her back on the potty and she went!!

Several times she tells us she needs to go, but then won't do anything on the potty..she waits until she is off to go. We are hoping now that she has gone a few times that tomorrow will be better.

We chickened out at bedtime. We put her in a pull-up. She wouldn't go potty before bed, and she almost never wakes up dry. We'll still try the nighttime plan in the book, but at least we won't be changing the sheets multiple times tonight. Remember, we just moved Rhys into the room too, so the last thing we need is to wake them both. If tonight goes well, we can always try tomorrow night.

Very long day. We are hoping tomorrow is smoother. And then I have the girls by myself Monday, so I'm really hoping we make some progress tomorrow.

