
Natalie's Lingo

I keep thinking I want to write down some of the things Natalie has been saying, so we don't forget.

She compounds her own words:
1. M'off = them off. Usually refers to shoes: "take them off"
2. M'on = them on. Also refers to her shoes: "put them on"
3. M'out = them out. Usually refers to her crayons: "dump them out"

Today Rhys is wearing pants that have little dots and stars on them and I asked Natalie what was on the pants. She said "polka dots". How does she know this stuff?!!

Another surprise: we were looking at her animal picture book. Birds are not birds. No, they are "Eagles!"

In the bath the other night, her starfish was outside the bath. She said "Mama! Starfish! I reach it" as she leaned over the tub and grabbed it!

Most of the time she is super clear, and she is really trying to talk in sentences. However, this morning she was saying what sounded like 5 or 6 words, none of which I understood. I asked her to repeat, and she did. Exactly the same sounds, but I have no idea what she said.

We continue to be amazed at the stuff she comes up with, and I think once she gets going, we aren't going to be able to stop her!

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