
Natalie - 2 yr checkup

Natalie had her 2 yr checkup today. She was in a good mood until we started walking back to the exam room, then she got scared. We convinced her to get on the big girl scale and stand to get measured. She kept asking me where the Doctor was...Elmo had perfect timing because this morning's episode was about the Doctor. So I kept telling her we were going to the Doctor and he was going to look at her ears, eyes, nose, mouth and measure her.

Dr T came in and she was totally fine with him. He got out his light tool and said "let's check out the baby" and kind of flashed it on Rhys. Natalie thought that was fun. He had her put the little extension on the light and shine it on herself while he listened to her chest. He also let her keep her hand on it while he checked her ears and mouth. She didn't resist at all, it was great.

He said her vocabulary will just continue to improve and become more clear. He gave me a prescription for a multi-vitamin and said not to worry if she is a picky eater; it will get better by 3 and when we can reason with her.

Then the not fun part: one shot. The girl came in and said to pull up her sleeve. I did that and she handed Natalie a sugar free lollipop. She gave her the shot and Natalie didn't even flinch!! Amazing!

Official stats:
Height: 35 inches
Weight: 28 lbs
Both are in the 70th percentile! She must be growing so much because all of her prior appointments have been around 25-40%ile. This explains why she has gone thru her 2T clothes so fast!

Overall, great appointment! And we don't have to go back for a year...although I have a feeling we'll visit before then for coughs, colds, etc.

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