
Still on schedule!

I'm home from what I hope is the last of my Dr appointments for a while! I had another ultrasound to check the Fluid level this morning. I was surprised (as was the Dr) that it was back up to 12! Normal!

She asked what I had done differently this week. I told her Nothing. She said that rest and water will generally help a lot. I'm not on any type of Dr ordered bedrest, but I have been getting good naps and doing a lot of reading the past two days. I guess my self-imposed rest has really helped!

I had an NST at the OB office and that also went well. Few contractions, but baby's heartrate looked good.

Oh, and since baby had more room to move today, the Dr was able to confirm GIRL! (she offered, I didn't even think to ask)

So, I'm just relaxing and waiting for next Wednesday to get here! 5 (yikes!) more days. I was sort of hoping it would be earlier, but I'm ok with waiting. She'll be here soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Grammy said...

Can't wait for Wednesday to get here, so we can meet this new little one.
