
9 days - and maybe even fewer..!

David and I went to the Growth Scan ultrasound today. Here's the latest!

The Dr. came in and did a bunch of measurements on the baby. She is definitely head-down. He checked the head, abdomen, and femur for size. He thought the baby's size looked good. He checked her heartrate and that also seemed good and strong. She was so crammed in there that there was definitely no confirming "boy" or "girl" this time around!

Towards the end of the measurements, he measured the amniotic fluid...and, the result was low. Came in around 7cm. So, he checked it again, and it was between 6cm and 7cm. He said that normal range is 5 - 21 cm, but most women at this point are between 12 and 16cm. He said causes would be:
1. Placenta is matured and beginning to deteriorate.
2. I am leaking fluids (not that I know of).
3. I am past my due date and baby is overdue (not the case).
4. There was some obstruction in the flow (not that he could see).

So, it's probably #1 or #2 above. He setup another ultrasound for Friday to check the levels again. I have my regular OB appointment tomorrow, so he'll have a copy of today's ultrasound report and I'll discuss with him. I'm not sure if he will want to take action or wait until Friday to see how things look. I suspect tomorrow's NST will have some influence, but I'm not sure.

Handy-dandy Google searches seem to indicate that numbers below 5 result in immediate induction or c-section. So, I guess we'll know tomorrow what the plan of action is!

I relayed the info to Natalie's babysitter and she said "good thing you took time off to relax before the baby!" Ha! Yeah, maybe 2 whole days...which mostly involved Dr. appointments and picking up around the house.

Guess we'd better get serious about picking this girlie's name!

