
Natalie's 15 mo appointment

David took Natalie to her 15mo appointment yesterday. She is growing and changing!

The Dr. said her sudden mouthful of teeth was pretty normal; sometimes kids get their teeth all at once. He said the molars tend to be more painful because they don't have a pointy section to help break through the gum. I think she must be getting another tooth this week because she had a rough night Thursday. Not looking forward to that next set of molars..hopefully they wait a bit!

He said that her vocabulary will probably take off soon. Kids normally have between 30 and 60 words by 18 months! That seems incredible to me since she is so limited right now. I'm looking forward to it though, because I think it's going to be so much fun when she interacts more and am looking forward to all of the fun things she will say.

The Dr. warned that Natalie will start mimicking. He said to watch what we say (I'm not too concerned..we keep things pretty clean, usually).

He also said to start showing her the potty, which we've already been doing. But, he did warn us that kids tend to put lots of things in the toilet to watch them flush..so keep an eye on our cell phones and such. Yikes!

I totally missed my opportunity with the potty last week. I had to wake Natalie up one morning and I went to change her and she was completely DRY. I should have taken her in and let her sit there. Didn't even cross my mind. But, we do seem to be having some luck. This morning I told her "let's go potty and then go take a nap". She went straight to the bathroom and sat on the potty(for about 2 whole seconds..it's a start at least!). The nap, however, was less successful.

Natalie is really tending to do one good nap a day now. Daycare still gets two; I still have no idea how Kristi gets her to nap! The past few weekends we've only gotten one good, solid 3 hour nap per day. Makes for a peaceful afternoon!

Anyway, Natalie had another vaccine yesterday, and I guess she didn't like it too much. But, the sugar free lollipop afterwards totally made up for it.

Official stats for the month:
Weight: 21 lb 3 oz (40% per Dr.)
Height: 31.25 in (45% per Dr.)

She goes back again in 3 months and then not until she is 2. Crazy how fast she is growing up!

