This weekend marked 15 months for Natalie!
Her little personality is really starting to shine through. She was so much fun this past weekend (well, except for the part when she refused to take a nap). She has been randomly giggling; it's just too cute.
Her language skills are starting to increase. Her vocabulary is mostly limited to Dog and Milk, but she also says "he" for Hi. I think I've heard "Gain" which means Again. And last night she said "Ba" when she heard the bath water running!
While she isn't verbalizing a whole lot, she is really learning her signing. She can sign: milk, eat, more, all done, hi, bye, yes, no, and likes to pretend she is talking on the phone (I don't think I talk on the phone much..especially when she is awake, but apparently she picks up on it). "More" is relatively new and pretty funny. If she wants something that we have, she'll sign More. Last night she was eating chicken and ate it all, and David was cutting up tomato for her (loves tomato), she finished the tomato so David gave her more chicken. She kept signing more because she wanted the tomato, not chicken. It's helpful to know she wants more, but not so good because we don't know more of WHAT!
We're working on her farm animals. She got a Little People Farm for Christmas. I started with the pig...she can find it when I ask her for it. She's still hit or miss with the sheep and cow.
Last night and tonight both I told her "lets go change your diaper" and she went to her room! If we say it is time to eat or time for a bath she also knows where to go. So amazing what she understands!
Natalie's walking continues to improve. For the most part, she is toddling around the house. When she gets tired, she starts falling more and more (she does this with the crawling too). She is getting faster and faster, and carries stuff around sometimes.
I know that 6 teeth came in this last month, and I have no idea how many more are in there! I know for sure another one on top left is poking through; based on her history I'd guess the matching top right one is in too, but she won't let me feel. I think once those are complete, her top jaw is full with the exception of the 2 yr molars. Her bottom ones aren't as close; still missing a few.
We got her a potty chair. I mostly just want her to get used to it and not be afraid of it. Of course I'd like her to use it, but since we aren't home with her all of the time, I don't want to rush her. This morning I was getting ready for work and when I went into the bathroom, she was sitting there (clothed) on her potty chair! Vast improvement over last week when she just wanted to climb on it and play with the pot. There is hope after all!
Weight: 21.5lbs (30%)
Height: 30.5 inches (50%)
Clothes: mostly 18 month tops and bottoms, some 12mo depending on brand
Diapers: still size 3, but will probably move to 4s soon
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