
11th Appt (36 wks 4 days)

Today was the appointment with the OB.

Blood pressure was a little higher than the usual (118/78), but most of that was probably nerves. Natatlie's heartbeat sounded strong and I'm measuring at 36 cm (same as last week).

We met with Dr. K and bombarded him with questions. Between the info we got from him and what we read online, it seems the benefits far surpass the risks of doing the ECV. We decided to go ahead and schedule it - we're going in tomorrow at 9am.

He felt Natalie's position and seemed to agree with the MWs that it did feel like she was head-down, but I'm still feeling a lot of strong kicks down below, and nothing but her head up by my ribs. They will do an ultrasound to confirm before anything is done tomorrow.

So far we know that we go to the hospital, get an ultrasound, monitor the baby, get a shot of Terbulatine (to relax the uterus) and then he'll start trying to push her around. He put pressure on her today when checking the position and it was much more force than anyone has used before, but it didn't really hurt. He said it'd be stronger tomorrow, but I think it'll be ok. He says his success rate is somewhere around 50 -60% (pretty average according to what we've seen online). If she cooperates, it could take only 10 min to turn her...and if it doesn't look like it will work, he won't force the issue. After the procedure, they monitor the baby for another 30-60 minutes to make sure she is still stable.

If for some reason this doesn't work, we'll be scheduling a c-section around 39 weeks (2 weeks, yikes!). We'd be looking at the same thing if we don't give this a shot.

The positive spin is that we get to see Natalie for at least a chunk of time tomorrow...and we can really confirm the initial ultrasound Dr. was right and it's a girl! If all goes well, I hope to be feeling lots of little baby kicks in the ribs tomorrow night!


Tania said...

Fingers crossed that it was a sucess today and that she stays put now! :-)

Keep us posted!
