Just got done with my appointment..lots to report.
Blood pressure still good (110/70), baby's heartrate was 150, baby seems healthy.
Only problem is..she's not behaving! For the past 4 or so appointments, I've been asking "are you SURE she is head down?" and every single one of the Midwives (MW) has said yes. Even my MW today said, "oh, yeah I can feel her head, she's perfect". Then, she did my Group Strep B test and checked the cervix. She got a funny look on her face and it took longer than I thought. She said that I'm 1cm dilated and that cervix is soft. (both good things). But, she asked "can you feel that?" I could feel Natalie squirm a little. She finished up and said, "I think she has her hand up by her head, but I'm going to get the ultra-sound machine to make sure". She did a quick ultra-sound (really fuzzy quality..not too exciting) and was NOT pleased to see that she was feeling a FOOT trying to exit.
Basically, if I go into labor now, it's an automatic c-section. No one will deliver Footling Breech. So, we have to try to turn the baby before she gets too big and runs out of room. I have a few options.
1. The medical method is to have the OB do an External Version. According to MW today it has 50% success rate. I need to research this more, but basically I go to labor & deliver at the hospital, they do an ultra-sound, hook me up to IV, give me Terbutaline to stop any contractions and the doctor tries to physically turn the baby. This can cause premature labor, which is why they do it at the hospital.
2. Natural Chinese medicine. Ironic that the nurse at class mentioned this last night. According to the MW today it has 80% success rate. It's called Moxibustion. Need to research this too, but it sounds like an Accupuncturist can use pressure points in the foot and incense to turn baby. She recommended a local Accupuncturist, and I happen to know several people who swear by her (not for turning babies, but just in general).
3. Laying Inverted. MW recommends I lay in the recliner, but with my feet up on the back of the chair. That should be interesting - seeing as how I can barely get out of it sitting regularly!!
So, the current plan of action is to call the accupuncturist and setup an appointment. (QUICK UPDATE: the accupuncturist office just called back, not sure they can help. Dr. is in with a patient and will call back this morning). The MW is going to talk to the OB and schedule the Version at the hospital sometime next week. If Natalie decides to flip and gets head-down before that, great. And, if not I guess we'll see how things go next week.
The biggest fear is that labor starts early and we won't have time to get her moved around.
This explains why I have felt NO kicks in my ribs. I've been saying the whole time that all the action is down low, but no one seemed to think anything was wrong. I AM SOOOOOO GLAD that I asked her to do the check this morning. She said they could do it, but that it really doesn't mean much for when I'll go into labor. In this case, it definitely was a good thing.
Stay tuned...will update when I know more.
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Oh my goodness! Please keep us updated, very concerned about both you & Natalie. In the mean time, do your best to sit inverted on the recliner. Hang in there!
Hopefully, Ms. Natalie will get it figured out on her own. Poor little thing just wants to get out of there and meet her mommy & daddy! Come on sweetie, do your best to turn around for mommy and stay in there just a little longer!
In the meantime, is there anything we can do to help you guys out? Let us know... we're not far and can be there in a moments notice!
Totally understand about feeling kicks in the wrong place! Both boys has been beating me up! They like to strech too which pushes their heads into my ribs, ouch!
Seriously, try using a flashlight! Jenni got Jack to flip by shinning a large Maglight flashlight where his face was (going side to side on her belly instead of up and down) and to get away from it he fliped. All on his own!
Where would they do the Version (French or SV)? It is good that you are doing this now but there is still time! I was 1 cm and very soft for a few weeks before Anna came along (and she took her time with that too!). Accupuncture can be scary!
Hang in there and let us know if you need anything!!!
Funny that you mention the flashlight. We never tried it, and I was kind of bummed that she was already head-down (or at least we thought!). I didn't want to try it and have her flip! Guess it can't hurt at this point!!
Plan is to hang out upside-down tonight for a while. I will try to post another update tomorrow...we have an appt with an accupuncturist, but it's mostly accuPRESSURE to the feet. I'm not sure if it involves any accupuncture, actually. (will definitely be reading more tonight!)
We're not really sure about the manual version..sounds kind of scary. They can do it at French...but I can't do it any earlier than this weekend because they won't take you earlier than 36 wks! I'm trying to stay away from that option though..so we'll see how things work out.
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