
4 mo checkup

Rhys had her 4 month checkup today. Not a whole lot to report. We are watching for more waking at night before we start solids. The Doctor says her nightly 2 am wake up is likely for comfort, not for food. I usually feed her because she seems hungry, but maybe we will see if she just wants to snuggle a bit. That seemed to be the case last night, so we shall see.

Official Stats:
Height: 23 in (20%)
Weight: 15 lb, 11oz. (90%)

She now officially weighs more than Natalie did at her 6 mo check up! But at least we are still ON the chart! And continues to be on the short side, but I'm guessing one of these days she will have a growth spurt and it will all even out.

She got two shots. She was already out of sorts because it was naptime, so a few tears were involved but mostly due to tiredness. She promptly fell asleep in the car while we were sitting in the post office parking lot finishing Christmas cards :)

She is getting closer to rolling over, but not quite there. She really stiffens her legs and arches her back, especially in the bath tub and sometimes in her Bumbo seat. Sometimes on her tummy it looks like she is going to crawl. She gets her knees up underneath her and pushes forward. Too soon, too soon! I know it will still be a few months, but it is just going so quickly!

Rhys is starting to grasp things and put them in her mouth. She usually takes her paci out and plays with it.

On the bottle front, she is doing better, but she isn't loving it, yet. She took about 4 ounces on Thursday, 15 oz on Friday (from 8am - 11pm) and then we tried a couple times yesterday and got 5 oz into her. I'm guessing in a normal day when I'm at work she should take about 15 ounces. So, Thursday she was definitely holding out, but she did better on Friday, even after eating half of the night away (not so fun for Mama).

As for Natalie's Potty Training Updates: there's not much to update! She did really well for the first 5 days or so, but then we were travelling for Thanksgiving where she was mightly distracted. She's been hit or miss (mostly "miss") since being back at home. Daycare is starting to work with her during the day, and we're letting her run around in undies at the house, so we'll get there, eventually.

No pictures today, but will try to post some later in the week.

